Welcome to Norwich Hypnotherapy Services
Welcome, my name is Alex Evans and I am a Registered Hypnotist and a full time professional hypnotherapist in Norwich. I am also the author of self help publication How To Get Over The Start Line, a book on how to approach anxiety causing issues.
If trying to rationalise your problem by talking about it or taking medication hasn’t resolved your anxiety, you’re in the right place. I am often the last person that people come to see after everything else they have tried has failed, but usually the most successful.
Behavioural problems reside within the emotional subconscious mind which is why trying to rationalise them doesn’t have much effect. Hypnosis gives direct access to the subconscious mind where memories, beliefs and habits reside. Unwanted behaviours and bad beliefs that cause mental health problems can be changed to bring about clarity.
Most peoples opinions of hypnosis come from watching it used for entertainment purposes and worry that the’ll lose control of their mental faculties or do something silly. Being hypnotised actually gives you more control over your mind and has tremendous health benefits. Hypnosis utilises the natural trance states that everyone experiences during their daily lives so everybody can experience it.
I specialise in help for anxiety disorders and childhood trauma resolution that lead to harmful behaviours like panic attacks, OCD, fears, phobia’s, PTSD, eating disorders, inappropriate anger and unhelpful beliefs.
As well as causing illness and pain the mind can equally be used to to aid healing. I also help people with mind/body disorders that cause chronic illness, chronic pain or TMS (Tension Myoneural Syndrome previously Tension Myositis Syndrome) I have helped many people suffering from migraine headaches, cancer and autoimmune diseases like ME, Fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis move towards greater comfort and healing.
If you’re a little nervous why not come in for an exploratory session where we will talk about your problem, I’ll explain how the mind operates, how people get themselves in a pickle and how to get out of one. Then I’ll explain what hypnosis is and give you an experience of it. If you want to work with me afterwards you’ll know after this experience knowing a heck of a lot more about your mind and hypnosis. There is no pressure what so ever for you to continue afterwards. If you are interested you can contact me by clicking here!
There are a multitude of mental health issues that hypnotherapy can help with of which some can be found below.